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6 Reasons EVERY Man Should Start to Wear a Watch

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1. Easier

A cell phone can't get you on time, but a watch can.

A watch is the easiest way to find out time.

Many people say "I don't need a watch because I have a phone", is a common response from the current generation who are questioning the negative effects of constant use of cell phones. Having to always check the clock on a cell phone is very inefficient.

2. More Functional

Everything that is inspired by Military items always has functional usage. Including a watch.

One advantage of having a watch - compared to a smartphone - is how long it can operate in the field. Try comparing the durability of a watch with a cell phone !

3. More simple

The watch does not need the latest technology. They are powered by clever mechanical clockwork technology that precedes electricity. So when your cell phone runs out of battery - you can still have technology that continues to run on your wrist.

When you wear your watch - you are less likely to return to using your phone as a distraction. Often, checking the phone to check time will make you explore other things. Like chat, email or Instagram.

4. As a Stylish Accessory

Jewelry that can be used by men is very limited. For the most part, men only use three main accessories - a good watch, a pair of cufflinks and a wedding ring when married.

In addition to helping users always be on time, watches make it easy for them to show their style taste. Watches are a form of self-expression - reflecting a bit of challenge, adventure and sports depending on the type of watch.

5. Design a watch representation of expertise

A watch is more than just a timekeeper. It is a symbol of tradition and history with the expertise seen in its design. Watchmaker expertise will be seen in the design of the watch.

6. Watches keep you always connected with time

Since a long time ago, humans have always been obsessed with timepieces. As a reminder that our time is limited.

Wearing a watch has a positive effect on our attitude towards time. We pay more attention to how we spend my 24 hours.

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